Thursday, December 29, 2011


The LORD your God is in your midst,
    a mighty one who will save;
he will rejoice over you with gladness;
   he will quiet you by his love;
he will exult over you with loud singing. Zephaniah 3:17 ESV

Your heart is heavy.  I know.  Really, I know.  I spent hours in the Target parking lot sobbing because I couldn't drive any farther. I wondered if the pain would ever end…the immense sadness.  Then Jesus would show up and somehow lift me up out of the pit of despair. It wasn't necessarily instantly, but He was always faithful to comfort me.

God has the power to not only pick you up and comfort you in your distress but to take you in His arms and dance with you.  Sometimes the dance is slow and quiet.  Other times it is joyful and loud. He is ecstatic and spins over you with joy. Know that the Lord is so pleased with you that He will always dance with His beloved!  He is the pursuer of your heart, and every romantic desire you possess is the reflection of His great passion for you.

Dance by Kim Walker is a Zephaniah 3:17 song.  The Year 2012 is prophesied as “The Year of Fulfillment.”  Start the New Year by dwelling on the words in her song and fulfill your destiny in igniting a passion for Jesus:

Enlarge my passion for You, dear God.
I want to dance Your dance freely and uninhibited.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Making a list, Checking it twice

You must make allowance for each other's faults and forgive the person who offends you.  Remember, the Lord forgave you, so you must forgive others. Colossians 3:13 NLT
Santa isn't the only one with a list.  One may have a grocery list, to do list, Christmas card list, kids Christmas present list, password list, email address list, honey-do list…lists, lists, lists.  Even God has lists…  Names written in the Book of Life, Battles in the Book of Wars, Ordinances in the Book of the Law, Curses written in a book, Wise sayings in the Book of Solomon, and prophesies in the Book of Visions to name a few.

There is another list that you can make this season.  It can be your Christmas gift to you.  It is a forgiveness list. The betrayal and injustices in my life leave me with two options. I can be stuck in a cycle of offense or I can begin the process of freedom. I choose freedom.

What do you think of when you hear the word forgiveness?  Forgetting? No more pain? Letting someone off the hook?  Let bygones be bygones? Unfairness?  Forgiveness is one of the most misunderstood concepts of the Christian life. Some people believe that forgiveness requires us to unconditionally release others from past wrongs.  They assume we have to forgive in order to love.  Others have adopted the "I forgive you for my own sake" attitude.  It somehow releases us from the cancer of bitterness and the fire of anger.  Does this unconditional forgiveness really reap positive results?  One shudders to think of a wife offering unconditional forgiveness to an unrepentant alcoholic husband who has privately beaten her and publically humiliated her with his sexual affairs.  Is it really in his best interest for her to release him from accountability for shameless violations of the marital vows?  Forgiveness needs to be administered based on the circumstances.  Sometimes we need to forgive like Christ did on the cross, "Father, forgive them for they don't know what they are doing."  Other times we need to forgive someone over and over, "70 x 7 times a day" as Christ said. Maybe some circumstances require us a withholding of forgiveness for the sake of the one who has harmed us. Hmmm, food for thought as you consider your acts of forgiveness.

Rape, adultery, murder, incest, hatred, gossip, lies. Atrocities abound in our world.  It strikes at the heart.  Life isn't fair!  Whoever said it was fair? Was life fair to Jesus when he went to the cross and suffered and died for us, the innocent for the guilty?  We will be offended. Guaranteed.  The best thing for our well-being is to start the process of a unilateral decision of forgiveness.  Feelings may follow later, much later in some cases. Forgiveness can be a complicated process.  But it is always worth the effort. This is the way of the New Rebellion.

I am writing a forgiveness list.  At the top of my paper I state:  This is under the blood of Jesus.  I won't expect feelings to be here right now yet I have forgiven _______ for: Then I date it.  I start my bullet point list.  Whenever the enemy tries to creep in and I begin to get angry over a circumstance I go to my list, check it twice and say, "I have forgiven this person on this date.  It's under the blood." If it is not on my list, I write it down under a bullet point and date it. Possibly a list like this may be the best Christmas gift you ever gave yourself.

Build in me a heart of forgiveness toward others, God,
that thrives in the ongoing joy of my own awesome forgiveness from You.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

You're Not an Island

If one member suffers, all the members suffer with it. I Corinthians 12:26

Last spring, I was in Jamaica leading a mission team and we visited Dunn River Falls during a recreation day.  It is a beautiful natural water fall that visitors climb up.  We started at the bottom pool and began our trek up the falls.  It was cool and refreshing under the hot Jamaican sun.  We climbed to the 3rd pool and I looked to the left and saw a long line of people hand in hand climbing up in knee deep water along the edge.  When one of my team members gasped I spun to the right and saw our fearless leader climbing 25 feet up through torrents of rushing waters.  He appeared to be swallowed up in the falls, known as Neptune's Trial! Then one by one the team began to follow him.  I had a choice.  Take the easy route holding onto hands in knee deep water or be a strong and courageous leader and climb the sure death experience.  Well, not wanting to be known as a wimp I thought to myself, "It's a good day to die."  Trying to climb a slippery slope with no rope or safety harness at my age and in my out-of-shape condition was not the wisest thing I've ever done. Water was rushing in my mouth, nose, eyes, and ears.  I could not breathe. I felt a strong hand reaching down and pulling me up.  Whoo Hoo!  I made it to the top (with help from someone else)! 

Through that incredible adventure God showed me that I could not make it through difficult times by myself, no matter how strong & independent I may feel.  He prepared me to seek out help when I was sitting at the Target parking lot sobbing so hard I couldn't breathe or when I had pennies in my pocket and a mound of bills to pay and food to buy. People are very gracious.  God laid it upon people's heart to bring me groceries or stuff cash in my hand in passing.

You are not an island, going it alone. My Jamaican island experience taught me this.  Reach out to people when you have need.  What's the worst they can do?  Refuse to help? Find someone else.  There has not been a single person who refused to help me or find the help I needed in my time of crisis.  We hinder God's provisional hand simply because we think we are strong enough to do it alone!

Help me, Lord, to depend on You and others during my time
of deep sorrow and great need. 
Thank You for bringing others into my life.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Dream Wild!

God can do anything, you know--far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! Ephesians 3:20 MSG

What is your wildest dream?  People's minds are programmed by fear for small thinking.  And a lot of people carry their small thinking right into their Christian life, never really reaching beyond what they can naturally expect to happen, never getting out on the edge where they need a miracle.

An army friend of mine was sitting on top of a building in Iraq and the enemy had just launched a missile straight at him and his men.  There was not enough time to take cover. Death was imminent.  The head of the missile flowered out (sorry I don't have the technical terms for this) and it caught an overhead wire, flipped the missile a 180 and sent it back to the enemy, destroying them. My friend was on the edge and needed a miracle. God is in the business of miracles.

The Christian life is about far, far more than just being moral, serving faithfully in the church, and going to heaven when you die.  Being a part of the New Rebellion is to live on the edge and expect God to show up!

Listen to what God says!  Think big. Dream Wild. Push your imagination to the brink as you consider how God might use your life to change the world.  Got it in your head?  Good, now double it.  No, multiply it times a hundred.  In fact, you can't even comprehend how significant your life is meant to be.

Okay, God, I'm willing to enlarge the smallness of my idea of who
You want to be in my life and what You want to do through me. 
I expect a miracle!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Alaska Mountains

I look up to the mountains—does my help come from there?
My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth!
Psalm 121:1-2

Ahhh, the breathtaking mountains in Alaska!  Crisp, majestic, even purple at times.  Cerulean glaciers between the peaks flow down to the valley.

A friend and I were sitting in the second story office chatting about the hardships the Lord has allowed in each of our lives. Her mother had severe health issues spending much of the time in the hospital.  My friend spent time by her mother's side and caring for her father during this time of crisis.

My friend, full of God's wisdom, drew my attention to the picturesque mountains out the large picture window.  She told me whenever she feels overwhelmed by circumstances she will gaze upon the beautiful mountains all around us and know help is on the way! 

Lord, thank You for always being there to help me in my time of
desperate need.  Every time I look to the mountains I will know
You are already on Your way to help me.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

True Grit

It is commendable if a man bears up under the pain of unjust suffering because he is conscious of God.  I Peter 2:19 NIV

A third grade student saw an injustice and proclaimed out loud, "That is so wrong on so many levels!" (Read it again with attitude).  Don't we feel that way when injustices come our way?  That was my first reaction when the Doctor discovered my son's brain tumor. What did my son do to deserve this?  That is so wrong…on so many levels! It took me a few minutes of self-pity to finally turn my thinking around and say "Thank you, Lord, for the character you've built in my son to be willing to suffer and come out victorious."  I realized God will be glorified through the surgery and recovery.  You can read more about this incredible journey at My son has "true grit."

John Wayne wasn't exactly the model of Christian virtue. His character was self-sufficient and didn't usually experience much in terms of true community.  He wasn't a big communicator.  But he had one thing: He had true grit. He was tough and toughness counts for something in this world.

It's not the kind of toughness that makes you calloused, cynical and unfeeling.  God's vision of toughness is men and women who have suffered and don't quit. Apostle Peter said in his letter that suffering unjustly brings commendation.  If we earn our sufferings through foolishness (as I do from time to time), well, that's not very special.  But those who persevere through undeserved pain and keep their hearts tender and open are those counted great in the Kingdom.

Increase my "grit", Jesus.  Give me a tenaciousness of soul
that can survive and even thrive when others lost heart.
Keep me conscious of You!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Heroes of Pain

I don't think there's any comparison between the present hard times and the coming good times.  Romans 8:18 MSG

Pain, suffering, or sorrow takes on many forms.  It can be life altering experiences like the death of a spouse or child, terminal illness of someone you love, or divorce.  It can be everyday annoyances like being cut off in traffic, being stuck in a grocery line when you are in a hurry or simply a friend speaking in a harsh tone and having our feelings hurt.

A solider friend of mine in the Army was sharing with me his pain and sorrow.  He was in charge of a company of soldiers in Iraq and was attacked by a suicide bomber.  He lost many friends that day.  None of those men signed up for a vacation of wining & dining and enjoying the desert heat.  No.  It cost them everything.  These heroes laid down their life for our freedom.

Sin cost Jesus everything. He too laid down His life for our freedom.  Will we ever be free from pain?

Pain is God's tool to prepare you for wonderful things to come.  The Lord doesn't thrive on tormenting His children.  Instead, He understands the big picture in ways you don't that pain prepares.  And those who successfully navigate painful situations are those God can trust for glorious opportunities.  He is preparing you for the glory of His Kingdom.

God, I'm not into pain, but I'm into You.  I'll trust You to lead
 me through every difficult situation I encounter into
wonderful things ahead. Help me be a hero for You.

Friday, December 2, 2011

The New Rebellion. What's it all about?

Rebellion occurs when oppression reaches a level that we can no longer tolerate in good conscience.  It occurs when our vision for extraordinary living is more compelling than our urge for comfort. The world is full of materialism that numbs us from the outside while distraction and apathy work on us from the inside.  When that happens, its time to rebel.

The New Rebellion movement is for those of us who are intensely passionate for Jesus and are determined to live a purposeful life.  This pure passion is in stark contrast with the unholy passions of the earth.  Those of us who embrace the Rebellion have a fire in our eyes - a fire of love and triumph.  We have a nothing-is-impossible mind-set.  Jesus is not meek and mild to us; He is mighty & wild!

The New Rebellion generation is defined not by age or demographic. It includes the spiritually hungry of every age, culture, and gender who shares a common passion to reach beyond a small life.  It's time for courage and compassion to awaken a generation to its heavenly destiny.  It's time for us to be who we're meant to be!

Dare to join the New Rebellion!

Don't become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking.  Instead, fix your attention on God. You'll be changed from the inside out.  Romans 12:2 MSG

My Story

In 2003 my husband, myself and 2 of our children moved to Alaska to carry on a small church whose Pastors died in a head-on car crash on Christmas eve 2002.  We arrived and ministered to a small grieving congregation.  Our church began Community Cafe, a free dinner open to the public a couple nights a week.  Faithful volunteers would prepare the meals.  Our sole purpose was to eat dinner with our neighbors, building a trusting friendship across the table and help them in their journey to Jesus.  We would accept and love people in a non-judgemental way.  As the friendships grew we had the opportunity to lead many to the Lord and baptize them.  The discipleship began with Bible Studies, Home groups and INSTE (Institute of Theology by Extension).

We developed a website that caught the attention of many around the nation and on the continent of Africa and Australia.  Over the years several churches sent short term mission groups up to our church.  We expanded the kitchen, restrooms/showers and property through generous gifts and the short term missionaries.

We added a food bank that quickly expanded to over 400 families per month (representing about 2,000 people that were touched through the ministry).  For a small community of 2800 (2010 census) that was about 70% of the community.  The church then added a clothing give-away every week.

The enemy did not like what we were doing and began the attacks on our church, ministry and our family personally.  I stood in the gap, praying,  speaking forth the Word, combating spiritual warfare, fasting and believing Jesus would prevail and the enemy would be defeated.  

Our marriage suffered.  We went to marriage counseling for several months.  My husband finally announced that he needed to resign the church to work on his marriage and be a father to his children.   However, everyone was duped.  He left the church and a week later he left me and my son permanently.  A few weeks later he served me divorce papers. There are no words to explain the agony and deep pain I suffered through all this.  Dear friends were praying for me and I had friends close by that took days off work to be with me for hours.  My mother flew up within 4 days after he left.

Through all the deep agony I have been experiencing Jesus has been so close, walking me through every moment of every day.  This is a blog about my journey with Jesus during tremendous suffering and pain of losing 32 years of marriage and closing a church I poured my life into for years.  My purpose is to offer a small glimpse of hope in the midst of someone else's death blow of suffering. 

Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance. I Cor. 13:7

Rev. Shelly Blocker