Rebellion occurs when oppression reaches a level that we can no longer tolerate in good conscience. It occurs when our vision for extraordinary living is more compelling than our urge for comfort. The world is full of materialism that numbs us from the outside while distraction and apathy work on us from the inside. When that happens, its time to rebel.
The New Rebellion movement is for those of us who are intensely passionate for Jesus and are determined to live a purposeful life. This pure passion is in stark contrast with the unholy passions of the earth. Those of us who embrace the Rebellion have a fire in our eyes - a fire of love and triumph. We have a nothing-is-impossible mind-set. Jesus is not meek and mild to us; He is mighty & wild!
The New Rebellion generation is defined not by age or demographic. It includes the spiritually hungry of every age, culture, and gender who shares a common passion to reach beyond a small life. It's time for courage and compassion to awaken a generation to its heavenly destiny. It's time for us to be who we're meant to be!
Dare to join the New Rebellion!
Don't become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You'll be changed from the inside out. Romans 12:2 MSG
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